Backwoods cigars are ideal as an everyday smoke for all levels of smokers. These cigars are machine-made using 100% natural tobaccos with great consistency in every batch. With an array of flavors, these cigars are trustworthy to satisfy every type of tastebud. The original Backwoods cigar offers a rich, hearty, and aromatic smoke in each puff.
For a more sweet finish, there’s the Backwoods Sweet Aromatic cigar and the Backwoods Honey cigar. Backwoods Honey Berry cigars feature a blend of honey with the taste of fresh-picked berries for those who enjoy fruity flavors. You can still enjoy the aromatic feature Backwoods cigars offer with a blend of richness from the blackened natural tobacco leaves in the Backwoods Black ‘n Sweet Aromatic cigars. This is ideal for smokers who look for a more robust taste.
Experience a smoothness with every smoke no matter what your choice is. Browse our selection of Backwoods cigars that matches your budget.
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